Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beautiful Lasagna

Location: Rome, Italy

Rome feels like its from a story book. There are ruins and sights to see literally everywhere. It is so random to get off the metro and walk out of the station to see the Colleseum just across the street. It stands there, as if it were a bank or something. Like its just some other building on the block. The feeling is probably contributed to by the fact that this is how Rome is throughout the city. You will have a building that is 1000's of years old right next to something that was built a couple hundred years ago, and next to that will be something that was built within the last decade. Fascinating how it all seems to fit together like a well thought out puzzle. Our historical tour guide described Rome like a lasagna. There are layers upon layers of the city. 80% of Rome is underground in fact. That is why there are no subways other than the two lines, and there is no underground parking or basements. Everything time they start digging, they find another ruin. Bananas. And that’s the way Rome built and grew. When mud slides came in or if there was a battle and a part of the city was in ruins, they started from scratch on top of it rather than rebuilding in the same spot.

Now, this being a phenomenal city with amazing sites to see, I will have to post the cliff notes version of how we spent our two days in Rome. Of course we did not get to see it all, but we knew going into this trip that we would "see it all" in any of the countries we were going to. That's just not realistic. But what we are getting, is our appetites wet for what we want to come back for seconds on. We are getting inspired for future expeditions. SO bear with me as I just put a few of the photos and blurbs about this amazing place here on this entry--

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