Saturday, November 27, 2010

T-9 hrs....

Okay, so we went to the Expo today to pick up our race packets with bib-numbers and timing chips.  YIKES!!! Maybe had I actually prepared for the half marathon tomorrow I'd feel a little more confident.  I hardly think running MAYBE 1 time a week counts as preparation.  All I know is, I ate my spaghettii dinner and I have a yummy breakfast planned for tomorrow am plus some GU right before go time.  My goal is to #1-Finish, #2-Finish in under 3 hours (I have accepted that I might ralph at the finish line, but I'm cool with that).  Figure that's a pretty generous time limit for my first half-marathon.  If I actually enjoy myself, I'll have to take my training stage to the next level and actually train.  :)

So, Mike and I are due at the starting line at 7:30 am.  I'll let you know what the damage is when we finish.  Damn Andrew for talking us into this!!