Monday, December 26, 2011

The Adventures of Hello Kitty: LIMA!

We made it to Lima! Mike has never been so happy seeing a plane land in the airport--

Today we took a quick city tour and got a brief lay of the land.  Lima is a world-away from what Cusco was like.  I think what we are seeing is a major shift in SES and the level of influence the Spaniards had on the people.  Lima is much more modern and city-like, while Cusco was poorer and more traditional.  I would compare Lima to an "older Waikiki".  Its on the coast and has a surfer feel to it.  

One of the couples on our GAP tour was from Australia and gave us a cute forget-me-not gift.  His name is Jack and will be our next traveling buddy after this trip--yay, Hello Kitty has a buddy!
Our hotel gives us an awesome view of the city and even has a little (snicker...) astro-turf garden outside our window.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Adventures of Hello Kitty: Rained Out

So we were supposed to fly out today on a 925 am flight to Lima, but after checking the flight info last night we saw that the time was changed to 230 pm--sweet! we don't have to get up as early, nice.  We arrive at the airport at 1130 am to find out that our flight was changed yet again and we needed to board at 1230 pm--hmmm, okay, thank goodness we arrived early at the airport.  At the check in counter it turned out our flight and several others were grounded indefinitely due to the rain.  "Una hora y treinta minutos mas" the lady kept saying.  Turns our, our airline Star Peru does not have electronic equipment on it and fly VFR--which means if they can't see out the runway they don't fly--no magic GPS or other electronics to help fly.

SO, we waited in the airport for about 6 hours today to hear if our flight was going to be officially cancelled.  NO refunds either.  At 415 pm we are told its cancelled and we are going to be bumped to an am flight tomorrow.  Which means we need to head back into town and book another night in a hotel.  Thank goodness the hotel Mike and I stayed in is only 15 minutes away and uber-ish cheap ($50 USD).  So I'm writing to everyone from our same hotel just different room.  We were told that the only flight out tomorrow is at 1245 pm but there is a chance for an earlier flight--the catch is they couldn't tell us what time that would be but we needed to be onsite at the airport at 630 am. 

As Washingtonians, the rain doesn't seem THAT bad at all and we can't wrap our heads around why they can't fly out today--but oh well.  Makes for an interesting Christmas Day and story.  So we'll drag ourselves out of bed tomorrow early and hopefully will get a flight out in the morning so we can start our beach holiday in Lima. 

We'll keep everyone posted.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Adventures of Hello Kitty: Wandering around downtown Cusco

So last night a was a rough night for Mike--altitude sickness finally hit him and he was up sick for a better majority of the evening.  Which means, since he is typically the one with the stronger stomach and immune system, I will be falling victim to the porcelain king in due time.  But after a light breakfast with some yummy bread at a Panaderia we found down the street we were off.

We walked around downtown a went into many many many shops.  We finally hit the crafting district where we ended up purchasing most of our gifts for people.  We also walked by some great mini-markets and got some shots of the produce and ick....chicken feet, that were being sold.  A family even let us take a picture of their cute pup wearing a rain jacket.   

Everything we purchased today

So the main craft of choice here in Cusco is weaving and knitting.  The items we picked up are made from Alpaca fiber.   I also tried my hand at bartering and either I'm really good at it or the vendors were taking pity on my boater Spanish--either way, we scored great deals!

Very important to grab snacks as we are walking-bottled sport drink, two bags of chips came out to less than $1.00 USD

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Adventures of Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty on the flight into Lima

So a super cool 4 year old gave me just about the coolest gift ever--a snowboarding Hello Kitty bobble head!  (Why? because he accurately notes that I snowboard and he skis, so she was better suited for me :) ).  I thought she was so cool that Mike and I decided to bring her along on our trip to Peru and New York.  She is going to be joining us on all our adventures and we'll keep everyone posted on how we are doing.

Today was our first full day in Peru.  We landed in Lima about 11:00 PM yesterday and slept in the airport until our flight to Cusco at 7:30 AM the next day.   After we got settled into our hotel, we booked a city tour that visited 4 major Inca sites.  We saw the Q'engo, Pupkapukara, Saqsayhuaman, and one of the oldest churches in Cusco.  Tomorrow is an open day where we are going to head to the main plaza and do some people watching and check out the crafting district.

Now we're off to find dinner and get a solid night's rest.

PS: We found out Hello Kitty likes Bloody Mary's

Friday, July 1, 2011

Peanut Butter Buttercream!

For a friend's birthday/congratulations on having a baby boy! gathering a work, I made chocolate cake cupcakes with peanut butter chips topped with a...wait for it...peanut butter buttercream frosting...mmmm!

What goes together better than peanut butter and chocolate? Not much. So I was happy to try out the combination. I made a standard chocolate cake batter with coco powder/flour/eggs/sugar etc. Then for the peanut butter frosting, I had thought about making it a chocolate peanut butter frosting--but the thought of trying to dye that blue kind of scared me. So I went for simple. Just your standard vanilla frosting, 2 tbs of peanut butter blended in and voila! The ymmiest frosting ever.

I didn't pile on the frosting on this one becuase it was RICH! plus with the chocolate cake, I didn't want people going into sugar comas at work--not so good.  So I just added enough frosting so you'd get some in every bite.

I was glad the birthday girl and mommy to be enjoyed them (she had two--one for her and one for baby :) ).

I still have to try out the cherry coke cupcakes once cherries come into season here. Wondering how that one will turn out, I also have a snickerdoodle cupcake on the request list as well.

So many flavors, so little time.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Dog Mountain


This weekend we went for a 3-day camping trip...just me, mike, and gracie. We started off at Battleground State Park. We got camp set up on Thursday and went for a hike on Friday. The destination? Dog Mountain. The draw? Great views of the Columbia River. It was only 3.8 miles round trip. No problem, we're seasoned hikers. Uh uh...humungo problem for me.

Yikes, it was like I hadn't been hiking in years! The elevation gain was way too much for me, Mike plugged along and of course Gracie trotted along no problem :) . Less than half way up the mountain and I was huffing and puffing like I smoked a pack a day plus a handful of cigars. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Apparently my weekly lifting class and frequent running was not preparation enough for the opening day of my hiking season. I was more than disappointed in myself.

I've frequently said that being skinny does not equal being in shape and this hike definetly reminded me of why I say that phrase at all. To add insult to injury, as we get deeper into the woods a group of hikers are coming down. A silver-haired old man with his walking stick says to me, "it's an ass kicker". Awesome, so he has noticed how hard I'm struggling and felt the need to uh...validate my experience? (Sigh). That was it. That sealed the deal, this was by far the most dismal perfomance I've had hiking in a long long long long time.

Then I saw some hope. We broke the tree line! yay! I had actually made it to the top. As we headed down, I realized a super steep incline meant a really steep decline--with the loose dirt and rock scrambles, that means you can't just plow down the mountain. Otherwise, you'll find yourself on your bum most of time. But nonetheless, I had survived and was definetly going to be feeling it in the morning. Thank goodness we were camping and there was no comfy bed to help me recover (Sigh, again).

This gave me new motivation. I am not going to be this outta shape. Who cares how much I one can lift if they get winded going up a flight of stairs. Dog Mountain made me realize that I was this person. Not okay. So, the first step? Dump my old workout gear. Can't get an efficient workout if I am schluping around the gym in what are essentially pajamas. If I am going to take my workouts more seriously, I have to dress the part. So I ventured out to Target and picked up some new gear. Check.

Second step. Add stairs to my cardio routine. Running is not an issue, but the steps...ah the steps...that's what got me on the hike. So the plan is to add running in the am and steps in the pm. Plus keeping my lifting class on Thursdays.

Added step. Include a quickie excercise in the am and pm: push ups and pull ups.

I have to admit, after looking at my modified workout routine has definetly gotten lazy. I make it out to my lifting class and throw in a 5k here and there. I think this is the end of my hibernation period and its time to get my butt moving again.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Found Another Keeper

Marshmallow cupcakes were a success! Thank you cupcake corer :)

I brought in my latest batch of cupcakes, chocolate with a homemade marshmallow filling and basic chocolate frosting. Looks like I will be adding this flavor to my basic 10, yay, that means I've 2 outta 10 down. 8 more to figure out.

I was glad I got good reviews on the marshmallow filling, it was rather tricky. Making your own marshmallows isn't too difficult (start off making meringue then add more sugar) but the first batch I made was too runny and kept getting soaked up in the cupcake, no bueno. I had to thicken up the filling so I'd actually have an ooey-gooey center. Figured out that more egg whites would be needed to accomplish such a task.

Next up, per Kim's request is gonna be a banana cupcake with a cream cheese frosting. I've got to limit myself to trying *maybe* 2 new flavors a month. Otherwise, that's a whole lotta baking and a whole lotta cupcakes for the people around me to suffer through. After the banana, it will depend on what I can find in season in the grocery store.

Here we go!