Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Adventures of Hello Kitty: Rained Out

So we were supposed to fly out today on a 925 am flight to Lima, but after checking the flight info last night we saw that the time was changed to 230 pm--sweet! we don't have to get up as early, nice.  We arrive at the airport at 1130 am to find out that our flight was changed yet again and we needed to board at 1230 pm--hmmm, okay, thank goodness we arrived early at the airport.  At the check in counter it turned out our flight and several others were grounded indefinitely due to the rain.  "Una hora y treinta minutos mas" the lady kept saying.  Turns our, our airline Star Peru does not have electronic equipment on it and fly VFR--which means if they can't see out the runway they don't fly--no magic GPS or other electronics to help fly.

SO, we waited in the airport for about 6 hours today to hear if our flight was going to be officially cancelled.  NO refunds either.  At 415 pm we are told its cancelled and we are going to be bumped to an am flight tomorrow.  Which means we need to head back into town and book another night in a hotel.  Thank goodness the hotel Mike and I stayed in is only 15 minutes away and uber-ish cheap ($50 USD).  So I'm writing to everyone from our same hotel just different room.  We were told that the only flight out tomorrow is at 1245 pm but there is a chance for an earlier flight--the catch is they couldn't tell us what time that would be but we needed to be onsite at the airport at 630 am. 

As Washingtonians, the rain doesn't seem THAT bad at all and we can't wrap our heads around why they can't fly out today--but oh well.  Makes for an interesting Christmas Day and story.  So we'll drag ourselves out of bed tomorrow early and hopefully will get a flight out in the morning so we can start our beach holiday in Lima. 

We'll keep everyone posted.

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